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The book follows two previous strategic reports that were published by the I’lam Center in 2016 and 2018

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Policy papers

Scenario: The Conditions that Would Lead Israelis to Reject the Israeli-Arab Conflict

Scenario: The Conditions that Would Lead Israelis to Reject the Israeli-Arab Conflict

as the answer may reveal the way to solving the Israeli-Arab conflict in general and the IsraeliPalestinian conflict in particular, by peaceful methods.

Personal and Human Security – Redefining the Security Paradigm from a Gender Perspective

Personal and Human Security – Redefining the Security Paradigm from a Gender Perspective

These social perceptions and arrangements represent a springboard for proposing a gender perspective of the conventional concept of security

Religionization in Israel

Religionization in Israel

journalism, satirical TV shows and news magazines. Religionization is mentioned again and again in discussions about women’s exclusion

Israel in a Changing Middle East

Israel in a Changing Middle East

the question of its position and role in the region has not yet been settled. This issue has been on the agenda of Israel’s decision makers

Israel’s Global Position

Israel’s Global Position

there was a positive, significant development in Israeli-Palestinian relations. For the first time, the two sides achieved far-reaching agreements widely referred to as the Oslo Accords, signed in September 1993

Diasporas in Conflict: Can the Jewish and Palestinian American Diasporas Contribute to Israeli-Palestinian Peace?

Diasporas in Conflict: Can the Jewish and Palestinian American Diasporas Contribute to Israeli-Palestinian Peace?

The vast mobility of the world’s population in recent decades, including millions who are moving due to war and violence

The Arab-Palestinian Minority and the Israeli State: Contentious Responses

The Arab-Palestinian Minority and the Israeli State: Contentious Responses

The paper then presents a conceptual framework to describe the dynamics of this relationship.

Arab-Palestinian Civil Society in Israel: Challenges and Prospects for Development

Arab-Palestinian Civil Society in Israel: Challenges and Prospects for Development

These developments and their impact on Palestinian society in Israel call for examination and analysis

Internationalizing the Status of the Arab-Palestinian Minority in Israel

Internationalizing the Status of the Arab-Palestinian Minority in Israel

focusing on the legal domains in which the relationship between the citizen or the distinct groups are implemented